Myself In Life

MC and Bukkit

Blender, Youtube, etc.

What about chocolate, school, and stuff? Sims3, Nightcore, RCT3 - who am I?

It's my first big website and contains a 3D game to simulate a life in all situations and ways you can imagine!

While learning Java I wrote some mods and plugins for MC, too. Here you'll find all my important projects.

All about little projects like my "youtube career" and my Blender 3D projects.

AI - Artificial Ignorance ^^

World Of Bricks

Most beautiful quotes made about me.

Better World Plans

It's a nice problem and a nice way to get a new view about how ourselfes work.

This site might well be under construction. It probably becomes a section about a big blender-lego-software-project and little Lego® projects (idk).

It's another view about who I am, because I didn't say this myself. This was said by other people, mostly friends.

You dislike things? Me too, and here are my ideas about how to make the world a better place for us. From political systems, over food, to simple things like chemical smells.