So my server was online now for two days...

- is good to find german players when your server is ready.
- discovered anticheat+ problems with lagging players
- discovered vine place bug
- some little other bugs
- added more colors
- still generation problems
- I really love the speed of 12 cores :)
- deleting worlds needs a lot of time

May I finish until Xmas? I don't know how well I will get it to fix the other problems, but it's not inpossible :)

Thanks to DjkillerHD, Purfied, Kireno, Maurice23405, The_Aletheia for testing the server

Special Thanks to BlueGill7, F0RG1VEN, Max2001700 and Lebender_Zombie for testing my server a longer time and some nice talks :)

I hope I can add a lot more players later :D

271421818s ago, by Antonio