This is a litte island state in europe. In the background is a bigger half-island, but you can´t see the whole thing because of the maximum view distance. Which state is it and which is the state in the background?

It´s a heightmap btw.: x and z ~1:200, y ~1:20

298869199s ago, by Antonio

Europe. Malta

298837210s ago, by SteliosMapping

I kind of want to say Hawaii xD

298848327s ago, by AdamRosol

It'll probably be Malta for us as well

298867619s ago, by Walht

Yes it´s Italy in the background and the islands are Malta(or is it called Malte in english?)

Oh it's on the tip of my tongue XD

No it's isn't Italy...





298868594s ago, by LouisWilson

+WackyWavingInflatableArmFlailingTubeMan no it´s not america



298869117s ago, by MCCJPE