Now I could say my time is over, but I think it just really beginns with more epic updates next time :D

THE 3DProject

My plugin which can build in minecraft from Blender, 3Dsmax and so on - it just needs .obj-files and triangles
The 3D Project - Bukkit

295957981s ago, by Antonio

+Antonio Noack look for ZbylsXExporter because the plug-in gives you more options besides obj.

295936465s ago, by BoyBlueAndTheCartoonUniverse

Holy shit

295938208s ago, by CarterStJohn

+Boy Blue nearly - I use blender, because you should have only one object(issues otherwise) and only triangles(sketchup may use 45-faced polygones, too)
but I dont know the X-exporter - maybe he does it as well as blender

Use sketchup and it's plugin, "X" exporter, because it does obj. files very well!