Guess, where this is - it is a very popular mountain, but the data isn´t that great(every 2km a point - world wide), so it has very smoothed terrain

308776032s ago, by Antonio 
+Yvette Hammer I don´t said it is most - it is just very popular: It is the Matterhorn from Switzerland
(Mount Everest is to large for 1:20: the Matterhorn is 4478m large: 224m in minecraft, the mount everest with 8848 would be about 442m high)
It looks like that, because the terrain is (like I said) cosine interpolated
Oh. x3x Now I feel dumb.
308773291s ago, by AlisonZhang 
308773946s ago, by stevieYanuza 
Why does it look like it belongs in Minecraft ._.
+Yvette Hammer Omg i din't think of that
Mt. Everest in India.... He said the most popular.
308775244s ago, by YvetteHammer 
+Antonio Noack I can't really think other mountain beside urals mountain and one near turkey
It is scaled 1:20
Ural Mountain?